Jott-Egor-Twitter Mashup


This one is for my Twitter Friends. I’ve found a way to do hands-free Tweets. A few weeks ago, Drew McLellan blogged about, a service that translates messages left using your cellphone into e-mails to people in your contact list.  At the time, I was getting all infatuated with Twitter and thought it would be cool to be able to Jott a message to my Twitter account. The missing link (unless you can program this stuff yourself) is a tool call egorcast which is specifically designed to allow you to Jott a message to Twitter, as well as Jaiku (if you live in that part of the world) and your WordPress blog.

This allows you to Twitter from anywhere that has cellphone access but browser access is either not available or not advisable (like driving into work). Set up your Jott and Twitter accounts first (if you don’t have them already). Then go to egorcast and connect it all together.

Have fun!

4 thoughts on “Jott-Egor-Twitter Mashup

  1. Thanks for pointing this site out! I have been wondering the best way to do it.

    However, I have found that the transcription of Jott is a bit lacking. So while I can indeed do this – what ends up getting sent is 70% of the time NOT what I said to Jott… 😦

    Perhaps their transcription will get better – but in the meantime, without an ability to do drafts – I am going to probably not use this a whole lot…

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