Thankful Experiences

rockwell.jpgYesterday, ahead of the US Thanksgiving holiday, David Armano posed one of those great conversation starters to the community that follows his company’s blog, ExperienceMatters. The simple question: What Experience Are You Thankful For?

The response was big, especially since Experience Matters is typically more essay-oriented. Within 24 hours there were over 60 responses to the question and those responses make for a wonderful read. I went to the post this morning and was inspired to add my own words to the conversation.

The replies that people have left are personal, engaging and entertaining. They also demonstrate the human side of these digital relationships we develop through social networking. Do yourself a favor and check it out.

PS. For those of you who are Circuit City associates and read my internal blog when I was employed there, the name ExperienceMatters may sound familiar. Yes, it was the name of my blog there and is the name of the LLC that I created after my employment at CC ended. Great minds do think alike 🙂

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